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Katalin Novák prepared gift packages for the homeless

As part of the Advent programme helping the homeless organised by the Hungarian Reformed Charity Service, President Katalin Novák participated in assembling packages at the Service’s Budapest Centre. The President, along with the organisation’s staff, delivered the packages to the Hungarian Reformed Homeless Mission operated by Tiszta Forrás (Pure Spring) Foundation.

The packages prepared with the help of the President included ready-made meals, canned foods, salty snacks, chocolates and Christmas candy, immune-boosting supplements, and toiletries.
Katalin Novák arrived at the location in the green jacket of the aid organization. While packaging, she asked the organization's associates about the charity programmes of the Service during Advent. After preparing the gifts, the President went to the homeless shelter in the charity organization's minibus.

According to the information provided by the Hungarian Reformed Christian Charity Service, during the winter months, they would like to support more than ten thousand people living in difficult conditions throughout the Carpathian Basin with their various programmes.

They make the Christmas dreams of 1,358 children come true with their wish lists, deliver at least 4000 Misi Nyilas Pakk shoeboxes to children living with foster parents and those beyond the borders in December. Additionally, through the Love Box initiative, they are expected to provide long-lasting groceries for approximately 6000 families and elderly individuals.

During the most critical winter period, the charity donates fuel to 125 families, and the Hungarian Reformed Charity Service helps those living on the streets with serving hot meals, food packages and tea on the coldest days.
The work of the charity service can be supported by calling the donation line 1358, HUF 500 per call. Additionally, support can be provided through online credit card payments on the website or by transferring funds to the organization's CIB bank account with account number 10702019-85008898-51100005.