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Novák Katalin interjúja a Corriere della Serra c. olasz napilapban

Katalin Novák: we need strong European leaders, joint strategic thinking and respect for each other 

In her interview that appeared in the Italian daily Corriere della Sera on Tuesday, Katalin Novák stated that the goal in Ukraine is the earliest possible ceasefire. Speaking about Hungary’s EU membership, the President said that the country has honoured its commitments so far and will continue to do so.

On Tuesday and Wednesday, at the invitation of the Italian Head of State, Katalin Novák will have talks with Italian President Sergio Mattarella in Rome. Talking about the war in Ukraine, the President of Hungary pointed out that Hungary, being a member of NATO and the European Union, stands by its allies, its goal is to achieve a ceasefire as soon as possible, and is helping Ukraine beyond its means.

The question for me is how we can stop Russian aggression while avoiding the outbreak of a third world war – she said, and drew attention to the fact that one hundred and fifty thousand Hungarians live in Transcarpathia.

President Novák believes Europe must firmly say "no more! Putin has crossed the Rubicon". She agrees with the unified stand, but pointed out that there are and should be differences between countries in the means chosen.

The President of Hungary explained that the true task facing Europe is to find unity while accepting that our history, our local conditions, our culture, our ways of thinking are different in many respects. While also being the same in the essentials. The President sees the common ground in the Judeo-Christian roots, in Christian culture. The European Union can still prove to be a success story in the historical perspective, if we do not abandon our Christian culture and if we can continue to take unanimous, common decisions. That there are disputes from time to time? Nothing could be more natural! I would not like to live in a country or in a world where there is no place for a difference of opinion- she added.

She emphasized that in today’s war situation, we need strong European leaders, frank closed-door discussions, joint strategic thinking and respect for each other.

Katalin Novák said that for her, there is only Russia, which has been led by Vladimir Putin for a long time. There were, there are and there will be relations between the two countries, as between Europe and Russia or Ukraine and Russia.

No one should imagine romance in the Russian-Hungarian relations – she said.
The President added: 55 % of Hungary’s oil and 80% of Hungary’s gas consumption is supplied by Russia, but Hungary is working to significantly reduce this vulnerability as soon as possible.

She emphasized that they do not wish to interfere in Russia’s internal politics, but when another sovereign country is under armed attack, they can no longer remain silent. 

„We Hungarians and I personally still have too vivid recollections of Soviet imperial mentality and the way power was exercised. We wanted to have none of that in 1956, in 1989, and would want to have none of it today, either”. – she concluded.

Speaking about the Italian government, she emphasized her friendly relationship with Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni and that interests and intentions of Hungarians and Italians point to the same direction in several areas, including the need to take a firm stance against illegal migration, the need for EU enlargement in the Western Balkans, the protection of Christians and standing up for family values.

On the topic of migration she stated that we must accept that Europeans do not think in the same way about this matter. In some places they want to see more economic migrants, in others less. Coercion cannot be used in this respect.

Concerning the debate between the EU and Hungary on the rule of law, the President stressed that Hungary has been an EU Member State for nineteen years and has learned the EU’S logic of operation and rules. We demand the same „full status” membership for the Hungarians as is due to the citizens of any other country, whether a founding member or one that joined later. A seat at the table in Brussels. And sovereignty in Budapest, in Hungary.

She stressed that Hungary has honoured its commitments so far, and will continue to do so. Hungary speaks its mind, and participates in common decisions.

Katalin Novák indicated that she follows the debates between the government and the institutions in Brussels, and supports the legislative changes in line with the agreements with her signature.

She was asked if she agrees with the thoughts of Prime Minister Viktor Orbán on illiberal democracy. Katalin Novák said: " For me the emphasis is on democracy, an order and a functioning based on the will of the people. In terms of values, I am a Christian and conservative woman who accepts and in fact expressly wants to hear opinions and ideas different from her own".

The President said that those seeing revisionism in Hungary’s considering the well-being of Hungarians living in the neighbouring countries important are exorcising demons. She cannot accept that it is exactly in war-ridden Ukraine that special energy is now devoted to making the situation of the national minorities living there impossible, while the use of the mother tongue and minority rights are indisputable.

Katalin Novák, who was formerly Minister for Family Affairs, stressed that her goal was to make sure that no woman needs to abandon her wish for a family because she also wants to have a career, and that no woman should be forced to abandon her career because she would like to have children, either.

I response to the question on whether Hungary discriminates women and LMBTQ-people, Katalin Novák said that everyone can live freely in Hungary, irrespective of their gender, religion, nationality, political conviction or sexual orientation. The laws protect sexual minorities as well. Traditional family values receive special protection in the Fundamental Law – she noted.

The President also said that if not thriving, the Visegrad Group is alive. A strong Visegrad community is in Hungary’s best interest. Therefore our position is that disagreements, points where our approach is different, should be put on the back burner, and we should show instead: people in Central Europe have strength and potential!